First radish harvest. Amethyst radishes are my favorite for their color and sweet flavor.
Stella naps in between the cabbage, radishes, peas and strawberries.
CSA harvest! Green garlic, rhubarb, radishes, first lettuce harvest, parsley, chives, and braising mix. For lunch I sliced green garlic, cooked it until soft, and tore handfuls of kale and chard into the pan. Top with butter and salt. The life force.
Serena came over in the afternoon and then we had visitors: Sommer and her two daughters, Olive (with the backpack) and Hazel. Olive is getting ready for her big trip to San Diego in two weeks. She packed her bag today.
Olive and Hazel show me their "moves." Hazel's moves usually involve staring. Olive likes to kick and twist. We all were amused. |
Is their a better way to end the day than by tossing an adorable baby in the air? I think not. All in all, a great day.
So sweet! I love those kids' names! Hope to come by someday and get to have a tour of the fruits of your hard work!