Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CSA Harvest

Today's harvest:

1/2 lb salad greens
1 bunch red russian kale
1 bunch amethyst radishes

The lettuce bed has finally outgrown most susceptibility to wireworm damage and my outside spinach is catching up, too.  Kale, chard, cabbage, and broccoli are loving these warm, overcast days.  I am loving being able to harvest outside.  Today's lunch: cumin and ginger-spiced yellow split peas with wilted kale.


  1. You are making beautiful art.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What is the red coloring in the salad greens? Is that pigment or oxidization? If it's pigment ... somebody should genetically engineer some kind of rainbow spinach or something
